PATH programs

Path Curriculum, created by the Founding-Director, Eliana Morris, is taught at PATH Academy and PATH Educational Initiative Programs for students and families. Utilizing culturally diverse programming, PATH Curriculum promotes critical thinking and emotional competency that integrates seamlessly into the framework of a larger, balanced, academic curriculum. We authentically invest in every student's learning objectives: All academics are taught in differentiated small groups and in whole class lessons with an unprecedented 8:1 student to teacher ratio to challenge students at their individualized level of learning.

  • PATHā€™s innovative curriculum integrated with excelled academic standards was part of the Garrison Institutes research and mapping report on contemplative education programs taught in K-12 schools in 2005. PATH curriculum has been presented and taught to national and international audiences for over 20 years. 

    Our PATH teachers utilize multi-sensory teaching methods by specialized, certified educators for all academic levels. Innovative PATH Positive Choice Management Structures (PATH PCMS) are evidence-based classroom management strategies. PATH PCMS provide the tools needed to hold every student accountable for their learning.

    PATH Curriculum and Socio-emotional Learning programs motivate and inspire happy, lifelong learners that are practitioners of peace.

Eliana Morris Eliana Morris


The study of science opens children's eyes to the wonder of the world around them.  Our curriculum is designed to provide students with a rich and comprehensive foundation in science, aligned with the National Science Education Standards.  Moreover, we endeavor to make science relevant, interesting, and challenging for all children. 

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Eliana Morris Eliana Morris

Social studies

PATH's Social Studies and Changemaker Art are seamlessly integrated together providing hands on projects to extend understanding of not only Social Studies topics, but also an opportunity to hands on projects to extend understanding of not only Social Studies topics, but also an opportunity to explore one's own core values and beliefs.

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Eliana Morris Eliana Morris

Language arts: reading, writing, and spelling

The primary goal of the entire Language Arts curriculum is cultivating independent and critical thinkers and instilling an appreciation and joy for becoming a life-long reader and writer. Students throughout the grade levels participate in selecting representative texts that mirrors their interests and experiences. Students participate inauthentic, experienced-based projects to inspire reading, writing, and spelling lessons.

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Eliana Morris Eliana Morris


The mathematics program encourages students to be curious, strategic, and logical thinkers.  Kinder and First Grade students begin to grasp how mathematics is everywhere around them while, protecting and stirring the imagination, students explore in play-based Learning Centers. 

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Eliana Morris Eliana Morris

Happy Seedsā„¢ and the Happy Seedā„¢ Animals

Pathā€™s happy seeds curriculum and programs: for the youngest citizens of the world. PATH ā€˜s mindfulness and enrichment programs for children seven years and younger, encourage young children to explore and enjoy learning through a balanced academic and ā€œpeaceful playingā€ curriculum. Happy Seeds Curriculum engages children by incorporating the different modalities of learning.

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Eliana Morris Eliana Morris

The Thousand Acts of Peace (TAPS)

The Thousand Acts of Peace (TAPS)

Written By Eliana Morris

Be Peaceful. Be Wise. Be Extra-Ordinaryā€¦BE THE CHANGE (BTC)

Be Honest with Yourself and Others - Admit when youā€™re wrong or when you need to change the way you are acting, speaking, or thinking. Positive change in your life and the lives of others can only happen when you take this crucial first step.

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    Your donation enables PATH Academy to deliver programs which empower children to act with compassion and accountability, and build communities of ethically mindful citizens that actualize meaningful, happy lives.