Social studies
Students studying a map of the United States
PATH's Social Studies and Changemaker Art are seamlessly integrated together providing hands on projects to extend understanding of not only Social Studies topics, but also an opportunity to explore one's own core values and beliefs. Infusing Changemaker Art projects with Social Studies topics allows each student to integrate the wisdom of Changemakers and the teachings of critical events throughout history in a dynamic contemplative space - a space intended to physically create from one's own thoughts, ideas, and beliefs.
Social Studies curriculum focus on four essential questions: What is freedom? What is a civilization? What is equality? What is a Citizen? We provide students with a global perspective of how the past and present connect through a variety of diverse and profound representations and voices. Students explore topics of: indigenous cultural regions of North America and the World, early American history, civil rights movements, U.S. and world geography, and global issues according to each grade level state standards. Students will gain a better understanding of how our government works, how it directly affects them, and what it means to them tin the future: locally, nationally and globally.
In the Upper L classroom, students will analyze primary and secondary sources to understand important historical events. They will apply the writing process to clearly and concisely write about their findings. Students will grapple with essential questions related to history through hands-on projects, journaling, debate and discussion, and reading a variety of both historical fiction and historical non-fiction text.