The Thousand Acts of Peace (TAPS)
Be Peaceful. Be Wise. Be Extra-Ordinary. BE THE CHANGE!
The PATH of an Extra-Ordinary Leader
Path’s Thousand Acts of Peace (TAPs) curriculum:
PATH curricula and programs, taught in PATH Programs and The PATH Academy School honors the diverse learning styles of each student by teaching to the multiple intelligences. PATH incorporates evidence-based mindfulness curriculum with core academic standards. We provide high interest projects such as extensive multi-media and international communication projects, service projects, the performing arts, music, physical health practices, and leadership training with academic core curriculum.
Curriculum for youth is centered on the intentional study and practice of a set of Acts of Peace called TAPS (Thousand Acts of Peace). Children, parents, and teachers make efforts to give away three very specific acts of peace every day to total over one thousand per year. By applying the Scientific Method, community members continually test the following hypothesis: “If I want to “Be the Change” by giving away specific acts of peace (TAPS), I will create opportunities and positive changes within myself and within my world.” Students collect data, and when testing their hypothesis, they then assess and evaluate the choices they make. As a result, students create the foundation for developing self-awareness, personal responsibility, self-worth, positive relationships, and sustainable happiness.
Be Honest with Yourself and Others - Admit when you’re wrong or when you need to change the way you are acting, speaking, or thinking. Positive change in your life and the lives of others can only happen when you take this crucial first step.
Mind Your Own Mind – Be concerned with your own choices. Be concerned with how you are acting, speaking, and thinking. First, “Be the Change you want to see in the World”! Second, inspire others through your actions and then let the positive words follow!
Positive Mental Attitude – Practice keeping your mind filled with positive thoughts. Make it a habit to find the positive opportunities in a situation. When upsetting and harmful words or actions are experienced – honor your feelings and give yourself some time. Sometimes remaining calm and whispering to yourself, “You can get through this” is the perfect positive mental attitude!
Personal Accountability - Show Up! The most important step to being responsible is KNOWING what you are responsible for, organizing and planning how you will complete the task, and completing the task! Create meaningful and purposeful opportunities with this very important thousand acts of peace!
PATIENCE – Stay calm and breathe! Be the peace! Be the change! Know that peace creates peace, and anger creates anger. Give up the small battles of arguing and win the big battle of be the change! The world needs leaders like YOU!
FFF Speech – Use Firm, Friendly, and Fair Speech when you feel that someone has caused harm to you with their body or speech. Use FFF words so that anger, irritation, fear, sadness, frustration, etc… does not get stuffed inside you and then erupts. Take care of yourself and be truly powerful and a peaceful warrior. Use FFF words and do not harm with harm! FIRM IS FRIENDLY when you are using firm words to PROTECT and RESPECT yourself!
Honor Property –Ask permission before you touch or take something that is not yours. Return what you borrow, put your things where they belong, and encourage someone else to do the same by be the change! Leave things and places (classroom, bathroom, cafeteria, etc.) better than how you found them. Inspire a spirit of “I’ll do it!”
Speak Peacefully/Respectfully - Say “Thank You,” “Please,” “Excuse me,” and “How can I be of help?” Speak in ways that make others feel respected. Show that you care with your peaceful words!
Speak Meaningfully/Speak in Ways to Help Others – When you speak, ask yourself this: “Am I helping anyone when I say this? Preserve your precious energy by trying to be mindful of how your speech helps or does not help. You then will have more energy to care for your health and put positive energy into creating caring, kind friends!
Speak in Ways to Bring Others Together – Be mindful of how you are speaking about someone to another person. Speak in ways that nurture friendships and work hard to keep negative opinions to yourself. Helping others make friends results in YOU making friends! If you are speaking about someone else to a another person…would you say the same thing if whom you are speaking about was standing right beside you?
Listen Respectfully – This TAP is truly powerful and empowering! This TAP creates true friendship. Turn you ears, eyes, body, focus, and heart to the person you are listening to. Focus on what someone else is saying when he/she is speaking (rather than let your mind wander to what you want to say when someone else is speaking). Give verbal and non-verbal cues that you ae listening. Are you listening with your heart open and your mind open? Last, respectful listening can only be accomplished if you then take action and follow through. Just listening and then NOT taking action when needed cancels out the “respect” and the “listening”. FOLLOW THROUGH AND BE ACCOUNTABLE. THIS TAP IS A BIG ONE!!
Be Grateful –Take some moments throughout the day and rejoice in something/someone that you are grateful for. Or think about anyone less fortunate than you and see why you have reason to be grateful (and then send positive thoughts to the ones less fortunate!). Are you focusing on what you want rather than how awesome it is that you have what you have! When times are difficult and you are feeling like life is not fair; 1) - honor yourself/be kind to yourself 2) - try try try to stop the negative thoughts 3) - turn your thoughts to the small things in life that you are grateful for. This TAP builds resiliency, self-worth, and moxie!
Joyful Effort– Celebrate your be the change efforts in being a peaceful citizen of the world! Plan your celebrations and follow through! Enjoy being an Extra-Ordinary! You will then be refreshed and ready to get back on the PATH to “Being the Change you want to see in the World.” TAKE JOY IN YOUR EFFORTS!
Give, Give, Give - THE TRIPLE G – (Generosity) Did I give away what I would like? Did I notice what someone else wanted even before they noticed? Is your first reaction, “I want” or how can I make YOU happy? Be generous and watch how your attitude changes – the world needs this!
Let Someone Go First – water fountain first, speak first, choose first, play first, eat firsput someone else’s needs first. Watch how quickly you make people smile when you say, “You go first!”
Concentration and Focus – Are you focused on the task at hand? Is your mind still and peaceful so that you can fully understand the lesson that is being presented to you? When you can concentrate on a task, you can be your best at anything you try! How does it feel when someone is focused on what is important to you? Give the same away!
Protect Life – Protect Life and be aware of what is going on around you. Honor other forms of life like even bugs! Tuck in your chair and someone else’s chair too so no one trips! Get a Kleenex for someone who sneezes, get a glass of water for someone, share a healthy snack, and encourage others to get their sleep. Are you taking up more space than others on the playground and others have to move out of the way for you? Are you rolling your eyes or just holding a type of energy that makes others feel uncomfortable or not safe? And most importantly, do NOT touch anyone in a way that they do NOT want to be touched – No means NO and STOP means STOP! Protect Life and attract others that make you feel safe!
Don’t Return Criticism with Criticism, Yelling with Yelling, Hitting with Hitting. Create an upward spiral by giving out to the world what you want. “Fight” the instinct to return ugly, disrespectful behavior with the same. How can you complain about violence if you are participating in violence -“Be the Change”!
Follow Through - Come up with a consequence when you do not act, speak, or think peacefully. But more importantly, follow through with the consequence! Take responsibility and watch how others want YOU to be on their team.
Equanimity – Be fair. Treat the girls the way you do the boys, the white the same way as the yellow, the black the same way as the purple. Peaceful warriors erase borders and do not separate people into “I respect” and “I do not respect”. Can you imagine how your classroom, playground, and world would change if we just treated people the way we want to be treated?
Health –Mind-Body Connection – Keep your body in tune (to peace) so that your mind will be in tune! Do you exercise and get fresh air? Do you eat healthy? Do you eat in moderation? Respect yourself so you will be encouraged to respect others!
Forgiveness – Forgiving others and Forgiving Yourself - Honoring yourself by caring for yourself when your feelings are hurt by another and keeping yourself from more harmful situations. Making the choice to be ok with a mistake that was made and giving someone another chance to correct their mistake or for you to correct your mistake.
Bravery, Courage, and Being…YOU! The “Be the Change” WISDOM is inside of you. You are so wise, beautiful, kind, and a true leader. Our world needs YOU. Dare to be different! Dare to stand firm and have faith in goodness. And you are not a doormat! YOU are firm and stand tall in what is kind, just, and respectful. SPEAK OUT, SPEAK UP, SPEAK YOUR TRUTH! Help others do the same!
WISDOM – Remember WHY you have chosen the PATH of an Extra-Ordinary. What goes around, comes around”, “Be the change you want to see in the world”, “Treat others the way you want to be treated”, or “Whatever you really want – Give it away!” Are you considering the results of your actions? Be an instrument of Truth and Wisdom and direct a symphony of harmonious peace.